Guide to Cannabis Laws in Singapore for Expats

Singapore has strict laws regarding the use, possession, trafficking, and cultivation of cannabis. The country maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards illegal drugs, and this includes cannabis, which is classified as a controlled substance under the Misuse of Drugs Act. It is crucial for expats to understand the legal implications of cannabis in Singapore to avoid severe penalties.

Legal Status

  1. Possession:

    • Possession of cannabis is illegal. The penalties for possession depend on the amount found. Possession of more than 500 grams of cannabis can lead to the death penalty.

    • Even small amounts can result in a minimum of five years' imprisonment and a fine.

  2. Trafficking:

    • Trafficking or attempting to traffic in cannabis is treated as a serious offence. The threshold for trafficking is set at 200 grams of cannabis.

    • Those caught trafficking can face the mandatory death penalty if the amount exceeds this threshold.

  3. Consumption:

    • Using cannabis, whether in public or private, is illegal. Individuals caught consuming cannabis may face fines and imprisonment.

  4. Cultivation:

    • Cultivating cannabis plants is illegal. Any involvement in the growth of cannabis can lead to severe legal consequences.

Enforcement and Penalties

  • Singapore's Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) strictly enforces drug laws. Random drug tests occur, and authorities are vigilant in monitoring potential drug use.

  • Penalties for drug-related offences can include long prison terms, substantial fines, and, in extreme cases, execution.

Additional Considerations

  • No Tolerance for Medical Use: Unlike some countries where cannabis may be used for medicinal purposes, Singapore does not permit the use of cannabis for medical treatment.

  • Impact on Expats: Expats should be particularly mindful of their activities, as ignorance of the law will not be accepted as an excuse.


Expats in Singapore should take the country's stringent drug laws seriously. Understanding the legal ramifications of cannabis-related activities is essential for ensuring compliance and avoiding severe penalties. Always err on the side of caution, as Singapore's legal system does not afford leniency regarding drug-related offences.


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